As businesses grow and develop, software solutions may be created quickly in house to meet urgent business needs. These solutions could range from spreadsheets with macros, to databases to complex desktop applications or a mixture of things.
These solutions may be ideal, especially if they have been created by people at the coal face, who know the detailed needs of the business better than anyone.
However, as businesses continue to grow, and staff move up and out, problems can arise, particular with multiple systems on different platforms written by different people.
As the needs of the business change, such systems can become brittle and restrictive.
Having worked in Businesses that have grown and changed over several years, I have seen such problems at first hand and I understand them well.
With the skills to analyse, design AND develop, I can provide a thorough review of such systems and recommend and implement a way forward.
This might involve fixing, tidying up, consolidating, changing business rules or rewriting from scratch. It should always involve some documentation to help support and protect for the future.
I can come into your business and provide an intial assessment over a day or two, and provide a recommendation on how to proceed.